Serial number installation Print

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Activating the serial number for the first time requires an Internet connection, please make sure of this.

vsr> edit running
vsr running config# / system license online serial 6WIND-xxxxxxxxxx                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
License configuration has been changed. To take it into account in edit mode, ty                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             pe:
commit          # 1/ to commit your changes
exit            # 2/ to exit edit mode
show license    # 3/ to check the license has been successfully activated
edit running    # 4/ to come back to edit mode
vsr running config# / system license online proxy-host
vsr running config#! / system license online proxy-port 6666
vsr running config# commit
Configuration committed.
vsr running config# show license
Active subscription license for Virtual Service Router until 2024-04-15 19:49:13
Current activations 1/1
Connected to license server (last contact 2024-04-08 13:46:29)
Lease is valid until 2024-04-15 19:49:13
Serial number is 6WIND-xxxxxxxx
Computer ID is uzOp/JQfW0N69m03ef5J
License was activated online
Support is valid until 1970-01-01 00:00:00 (standard mode)
Max throughput 10.0G (moving average 0.0G)
IPsec activated for 2000 tunnels (currently used 0)
CG-NAT activated for 2000000 conntracks (currently used 0)

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